Refund/Cancellation Policy

Refund/Cancellation Policy

You can cancel your order any time up to 14 days after you have purchased your product(s). If you return the item, it must be in its original wrapping, unopened and in the condition it was received. It is your responsibility to return the item to us at your cost. Shipping is non refundable for non faulty items.

Please Note: By installing or using the product in any way you are accepting your order and therefore we cannot accept a return unless the item is found to be operationally faulty.

Once returned, we’ll refund the person who originally placed and paid for the order.

If you find your item is faulty or incorrect please contact us immediately, so that we can help sort this for you.

We cannot accept return of goods that have been specially made to order e.g. made to measure hot tub cover.